Tag Archives: 10

Sperm taste is affected by what you eat, as are all secretions from the body. It is a fact that your sperms taste can be improved and making your semen taste better, can be done with a few simple diet changes. Diet has A major influence on sperm taste as it’s a secretion from the body like any other. Just as your sweat can smell strongly after eating a heavily spiced meal your sperm will also reflect the spices in its taste. The make up of sperm Semen is made up of ninety percent (90%) seminal fluids including fructose (sugar) protein, and various trace minerals and nutrients. The PH of semen is 7 and scientifically neutral, yet it tastes slightly acidic. Let’s take a look at the actual ingredients of semen. A man’s ejaculate is actually only 1% sperm. The rest is composed of various proteins, vitamins, sugars, salts, cholesterol,…

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The goal has been set, the plan has been laid out and what's left is choosing a gym that is conducive to your workout program. You may be wondering, "How to choose a gym that is right for me?" There are a few things to consider, but I want to emphasize that it's important that the gym you choose makes you comfortable and motivated, else you're likely to drop off sooner than later. By including your gym is a good fit for you, you put yourself in a smoother way to realize your health and fitness goals. How to Choose a Gym That Fits You Best – The Guideline Location Nobody likes to spend double their workout time just driving to the gym and then back home. At the end of a long day, none of us loves the idea of ​​battling traffic for an hour, doing an hour long…

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1. Only sell the club tour, not the club itself When you are on the telephone talking to a potential prospect, it is very easy to become distracted and begin talking about the club, it’s facilities, services and membership fees. This is a great mistake. Selling actual goods and services over the phone is a real skill and requires a very different approach than selling an appointment or club tour. As soon as the prospect begins to ask about the club, or wants some details about membership fees, then you need to turn these into reasons why they should book a club tour/appointment. Simply suggest that you can cover these fully when you get together 2. Make appointments 3-4 days in advance This will serve three purposes: It will create the impression that you are organised, professional and busy! There is more likely to be space in the customer’s diary…

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No introduction, you want the tips: TIP #1: Put All Clients on Your E-mail List Keep an e-mail list of your clients, both current and former. Get permission to send them a dead-simple newsletter from your private practice–one page! NOT TWO! And, heavens to murgatroid–not four. Encourage clients or patients to print, forward, and distribute your newsletter to friends and family. Make this simple newsletter nothing more than mental health tips, seasonal stories, common sense right thinking, and articles so good that readers hesitate not to fold it up into their pocket. If you e-mail your clients, send the newsletter to yourself and “blind copy” clients. Only your e-mail address will show to avoid violation of patient confidentiality. Don’t make a mistake in doing this procedural step. A safer and better way is to print and mail a copy of your simple-dimple, yet punchy and powerful newsletter to your clients.…

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Living a healthy lifestyle doesn’t have to be hard. It just takes the motivation to change our bad habits into good, healthy ones. Below is a list of 10 healthy lifestyle tips to get you started. Once you start, you can come up with more healthy choices that work for you. o The first thing is to eat a balanced diet. Eat more fruits and vegetables and get rid of the high sugar, processed foods. Along with eating better is getting the right nutrients in the system. o So the second thing is to take vitamins and minerals to help your body work properly. o The third tip is to quit all those nasty unhealthy habits. Smoking, drinking, drugs, chewing tobacco, whatever your vice may be quit now. You are in charge of your health and living a healthier lifestyle means getting rid of the things that may kill you.…

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Everybody has fun with “Top 10” lists, and they sometimes contain information that you can actually use to improve your life or achieve a personal goal. If you’re serious about building big, muscular arms, then this is the list for you! But before I give you my Top 10 list for arm-building success, let me explain my selection criteria. First, the exercises on this list are simple and for beginners who need to start with a solid foundation in arm-building fundamentals in order to achieve long-term success from their biceps, triceps and forearm workouts. Though I’ve said that these exercises are simple, this does not mean that they’re easy. Their simplicity lies in the intuitive benefits that come from each arm-building movement and the fact that you can do these exercises with a minimal time commitment. Getting the most from these exercises will still require careful attention to training technique…

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Congratulations on getting a new bundle of joy, or maybe it is your second or your little one is now a toddler. Chances are fitness doesn’t top the list of priorities when you have a young one at home. Well, we are here to prove that you can maintain a healthy and fit life even with a newborn at home. Here is our list of top 10 exercises moms and dads that don’t involve taking you away from your little one. 1. Pacing Workouts What is that one thing every parent often does when trying to calm a newborn? It’s pacing around up and down, and guess what you can do a workout out of it. Obviously, you don’t want to disturb your little one if they are peacefully sleeping, but if they are awake pace around the house holding them. You could also walk around performing lunges or arm…

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